JetStream Version 2.7 Introduces Multithreaded IO
Now available for download, JetStream version 2.7 introduces multithreaded IO to optimize file transfer performance. Multithreading allows files to be written on the receiving end without being affected by other processes that may be happening at the same time. As a result, users can see a meaningful increase in JetStream’s already quick transfer speeds.
JetStream accelerated file transfer software moves data from point-to-point at 100x faster than FTP. In this latest release, a write cache and thread pool allow data to be placed in a queue for writing, with data processed asynchronously. Proprietary algorithms ensure the cache does not fill too quickly and that JetStream processes the data with optimal efficiency.
With the introduction of multithreading, JetStream speeds up the transfer process, minimizes transfer rate fluctuations, and reduces packet transmissions resulting in enhanced performance when sending at multigigabit rates.
Version 2.7.1 is backwards compatible with previous versions of the JetStream client application.
Download the latest version or contact us to try JetStream for free.