Transfer Monitor

When a transfer is started from the Send & Receive tab or by Get Shared Files, it will be added to the Transfer Monitor. The monitor tracks the status of each transfer in real time.


The Transfer Monitor provides access to review and manage ongoing, finished and failed transfers.

Transfers are shown in a sortable list that displays various columns of status information about each transfer. The list includes active transfers, as well as transfers that have finished or have failed due to an error.

Selecting Items

The Transfer Monitor supports extended selection. There are several ways to select multiple items.

  • Click and hold the left mouse button, and drag a range of items.
  • Hold Control and click individual items.
  • Click one item, hold Shift, and then click on an item above or below to select a range of items.

Context Menu

Right clicking on a transfer will show the pop-up context menu. Some options will be unavailable depending on the current selection, the version of the server to which you are connected, and its configuration.

Menu Shortcut Action
transfer context menu Space Transfer Details
Control,⌘ + P Suspending A Transfer
Control,⌘ + R Resuming A Transfer
Control,⌘ + Del Deleting A Transfer
Control,⌘ + K Canceling A Transfer
Control,⌘ + O Browsing to a Transfer’s Files
Control,⌘ + G Get Shared Files

Transfer Details

Double-clicking on a transfer will open up the Transfer Details panel, which shows you graphs and statistics for your transfer.




The Origin column displays the name of the sending Location (and the host name of its server).


The Destination column displays the name of the receiving Location (and the host name of its server).

Status | Progress

The Status and Progress columns show whether the transfer is being actively sent, or if it has failed with an error.

Shown below are examples of the possible transfer states that may be displayed.

../_images/jetstream-transfer-status-pending.png ../_images/jetstream-transfer-status-sending.png ../_images/jetstream-transfer-status-suspended.png ../_images/jetstream-transfer-status-complete.png ../_images/jetstream-transfer-status-error.png ../_images/jetstream-transfer-status-not-responding.png


If the Status column indicates that the transfer has failed due to an error, a description of the error may be found in the Transfer Details. To open the Transfer Details for the failed transfer, double-click on its row in the Transfer Monitor, or select a row, and press Space.


If the Status column indicates that the transfer is not responding, this means that Cumul8:Jetstream was unable to detect any network activity for over a minute. In some cases, a transfer may recover from this state, but it is more likely that the transfer will need to be canceled, deleted, and restarted.


The Size column shows the total size of the transfer.


The Rate column shows the current effective rate at which the transfer is being received. The configuration of the transfer, as well as network conditions, will affect the effective transfer rate.

If this rate drops to 0 (zero) while the transfer indicates it is “Sending”, then there has been an interruption between the Origin and Destination Locations. The Cumul8:Jetstream application will continue to adjust the sending characteristics from the Origin Location until a connection is reestablished.


The Elapsed column shows the amount of time the transfer has been running. This time includes any time the transfer is suspended.


The ETA column is an attempt to estimate the amount of time required until the transfer will be finished. Note that network conditions can vary in ways that this estimate will not be able to predict.


The Start column shows the time at which the transfer was started.