Transfer Files

Transfer Files is part of the Transfer Details panel.



Directly above the file list is a filter input box. You can use this to quickly filter the list for items that match the text you enter.



The filter is case-insensitive.

Pattern matching (e.g. star, question mark or regular expressions) is not currently supported.

To quickly clear the filter, click the symbol to the right of the filter input box.


The Transfer Files list supports the clipboard copy operation. To copy items from the files list:

  • Select one or more items in the files list. Press Control,⌘ + A to select all files.
  • Press the Control,⌘ + C keyboard shortcut.
  • Or, Right click ‣ Copy to clipboard (csv)

The selected items will be copied to the clipboard. Columns are separated by a comma.

The following shows an example of the clipboard copied from a files list containing items similar to those illustrated above, after filtering by the frame 1058.

4.427 M, S0100/Lit/CHAR_Walter_Shadow/006/BTB01_AL01_S0100_CHAR_Walter_Shadow.1058.exr
24.051 M, S0100/Lit/CHAR_Walter_Beauty/006/BTB01_AL01_S0100_CHAR_Walter_Beauty.1058.exr
83.372 K, S0100/Lit/CHAR_Walter_EyeSpec/006/BTB01_AL01_S0100_CHAR_Walter_EyeSpec.1058.exr
8.167 M, S0110/Lit/CHAR_Jay_Beauty/006/BTB01_AL01_S0110_CHAR_Jay_Beauty.1058.exr
117.157 K, S0110/Lit/CHAR_Jay_EyeSpec/006/BTB01_AL01_S0110_CHAR_Jay_EyeSpec.1058.exr
4.431 M, S0110/Lit/CHAR_Jay_Shadow/006/BTB01_AL01_S0110_CHAR_Jay_Shadow.1058.exr