Locations List


The Location List is available from the Locations tab. It shows a summary for all of the currently configured Locations.

Selecting Items

The Locations List supports extended selection. There are several ways to select multiple items.

  • Click and hold the left mouse button, and drag a range of items.
  • Hold Control and click individual items.
  • Click one item, hold Shift, and then click on an item above or below to select a range of items.

Context Menu

Right clicking on a location will show the pop-up context menu. Some options will be unavailable depending on the current selection, the version of the server to which you are connected, and its configuration.

Menu Shortcut Action
location context menu Control,⌘ + E Editing A Location
Control,⌘ + Del Deleting A Location
Control,⌘ + D Duplicate Location
  Location Export and Import
  Location Export and Import
Control,⌘ + O Testing A Location

Creating A New Location

To create a new Location:

  • Select ‘New Location…’ from the ‘Locations’ menu.

The Location Editor will open, prepared to create a new Location. Fill in the configuration for the new Location, and save.

Editing A Location

  • Double-click anywhere along the row for the Location.

The Location Editor will open, populated with selected Location. Use the Location Editor to configure the Location.

Sorting The Locations List

Click on any of the header columns to sort items by that value.


The Local Location will always appear at the top of the list. Its position is not affected by sorting.