
Exception Hierarchy

exception jetstream.errors.APIConnectionUnavailableError

APIConnectionUnavailableError may be raised before the server shuts down the API connection, for instance, while the server is terminating.

exception jetstream.errors.APIMethodDeprecatedError

APIMethodDeprecatedError is raised when an API function no longer exists.

exception jetstream.errors.APIMethodNotFoundError

APIMethodNotFoundError is raised when the server does not recognize an API function.

exception jetstream.errors.ApiVersionError(name, requires_version, connected_version)

ApiVersionError is raised when an API command is used whose interface is not compatible with the connected Jetstream server.

exception jetstream.errors.CommandError

CommandError is a catch-all exception for API command failures without more a specific error type.

exception jetstream.errors.ConnectionNotFoundError

ConnectionNotFoundError is raised when a connection id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.DestinationNotFoundError

DestinationNotFoundError is raised when a destination id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.FileSystemError

FileSystemError is raised when there us an I/O error.

exception jetstream.errors.FileSystemOperationNotSupportedError

FileSystemOperationNotSupported is raised when the requested operation is no supported on the underlying file system.

exception jetstream.errors.InsufficientPermissionsError

InsufficientPermissionsError is raised when an authenticated user does not have permission to complete the operation. For instance, some functions require superuser privileges.

exception jetstream.errors.InvalidCredentialsError

InvalidCredentialsError is raised when invalid credentials, such as passwords, are used to authenticate the user.

exception jetstream.errors.InvalidLicenseError

InvalidLicenseError is raised when the server does not have a valid license but the operation requires one.

exception jetstream.errors.InvalidParameterError

InvalidParameterError is raised when a parameter to an API function is correctly structured, but has invalid data, such as a number that it our of range or a string that has an unexpected format.

exception jetstream.errors.InvalidParameterFormatError

InvalidParameterFormatError is raised when a parameter to an API function is missing, is the wrong type, or generally is not structured correctly.

exception jetstream.errors.JetstreamClientException

JetstreamClientException is the base class for all Jetstream API exceptions.

exception jetstream.errors.ManifestNotFoundError

ManifestNotFoundError is raised when a manifest id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.NotAuthenticatedError

NotAuthenticatedError is raised when a restricted API function is called by a user who has not authenticated.

exception jetstream.errors.NotConnectedError

NotConnectedError is raised when an attempt is made to send a command from an API interface which is not connected to a Jetstream server.

exception jetstream.errors.OperationFailedError

OperationFailedError is a general exception when the API function cannot be completed.

exception jetstream.errors.PacketTooBigError

PacketTooBigError is raised when transmission error between the API and the Jetstream server resulted in a packet which overflowed the maximum size allowed.

exception jetstream.errors.ProtocolError

ProtocolError is raised when a transmission error between the API and the Jetstream server resulted in a command which was not recognized, or did not match the expected format.

exception jetstream.errors.RequestNotFoundError

RequestNotFoundError is raised when a request id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.ResourceUnavailableError

ResourceUnavailableError is raised when a hardware or OS resource, such as memory, cannot be allocated.

exception jetstream.errors.SharedTokenNotFoundError

SharedTokenNotFoundError is raised when a shared token cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.TransferNotFoundError

TransferNotFoundError is raised when a transfer id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.UnsupportedSSLVersionError

UnsupportedSSLVersionError is raised when the client doesn’t support the minimum SSL version required by the server

exception jetstream.errors.APIConnectionUnavailableError

APIConnectionUnavailableError may be raised before the server shuts down the API connection, for instance, while the server is terminating.

exception jetstream.errors.APIMethodDeprecatedError

APIMethodDeprecatedError is raised when an API function no longer exists.

exception jetstream.errors.APIMethodNotFoundError

APIMethodNotFoundError is raised when the server does not recognize an API function.

exception jetstream.errors.ApiVersionError(name, requires_version, connected_version)

ApiVersionError is raised when an API command is used whose interface is not compatible with the connected Jetstream server.

exception jetstream.errors.CommandError

CommandError is a catch-all exception for API command failures without more a specific error type.

exception jetstream.errors.ConnectionNotFoundError

ConnectionNotFoundError is raised when a connection id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.DestinationNotFoundError

DestinationNotFoundError is raised when a destination id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.FileSystemError

FileSystemError is raised when there us an I/O error.

exception jetstream.errors.FileSystemOperationNotSupportedError

FileSystemOperationNotSupported is raised when the requested operation is no supported on the underlying file system.

exception jetstream.errors.InsufficientPermissionsError

InsufficientPermissionsError is raised when an authenticated user does not have permission to complete the operation. For instance, some functions require superuser privileges.

exception jetstream.errors.InvalidCredentialsError

InvalidCredentialsError is raised when invalid credentials, such as passwords, are used to authenticate the user.

exception jetstream.errors.InvalidLicenseError

InvalidLicenseError is raised when the server does not have a valid license but the operation requires one.

exception jetstream.errors.InvalidParameterError

InvalidParameterError is raised when a parameter to an API function is correctly structured, but has invalid data, such as a number that it our of range or a string that has an unexpected format.

exception jetstream.errors.InvalidParameterFormatError

InvalidParameterFormatError is raised when a parameter to an API function is missing, is the wrong type, or generally is not structured correctly.

exception jetstream.errors.JetstreamClientException

JetstreamClientException is the base class for all Jetstream API exceptions.

exception jetstream.errors.ManifestNotFoundError

ManifestNotFoundError is raised when a manifest id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.NotAuthenticatedError

NotAuthenticatedError is raised when a restricted API function is called by a user who has not authenticated.

exception jetstream.errors.NotConnectedError

NotConnectedError is raised when an attempt is made to send a command from an API interface which is not connected to a Jetstream server.

exception jetstream.errors.OperationFailedError

OperationFailedError is a general exception when the API function cannot be completed.

exception jetstream.errors.PacketTooBigError

PacketTooBigError is raised when transmission error between the API and the Jetstream server resulted in a packet which overflowed the maximum size allowed.

exception jetstream.errors.ProtocolError

ProtocolError is raised when a transmission error between the API and the Jetstream server resulted in a command which was not recognized, or did not match the expected format.

exception jetstream.errors.RequestNotFoundError

RequestNotFoundError is raised when a request id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.ResourceUnavailableError

ResourceUnavailableError is raised when a hardware or OS resource, such as memory, cannot be allocated.

exception jetstream.errors.SharedTokenNotFoundError

SharedTokenNotFoundError is raised when a shared token cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.TransferNotFoundError

TransferNotFoundError is raised when a transfer id cannot be accessed by the user.

exception jetstream.errors.UnsupportedSSLVersionError

UnsupportedSSLVersionError is raised when the client doesn’t support the minimum SSL version required by the server