Command Line Interface


jetstream [options] subcommand [subcommand-options]


jetstream is the main way to interact with the JetStream server. There are three sub commands:



Print version information

jetstream server


--api-host arg

TCP client API host address. If specified, bind API to listen on this address (overrides --api-allow-remote-control).

--api-port arg (=8886)

TCP client API control port.


Allow API connections from remote machines (can be overriden by api-host).

--api-min-ssl-version arg (=TLS1.2)

Minimum allowed SSL protocol (TLS1.3,TLS1.2,TLS1.1,TLS1.0).

--api-ssl-cert arg

Path to a file containing the SSL certificate to use for API connections. --api-ssl-cert-key must also be specified.

--api-ssl-cert-key arg

Path to a file containing the SSL private key to use for API connections. --api-ssl-cert must also be specified.

--api-connect arg

Actively create an API connection to the specified client.


Disable the creation and use of tokens for anonymous downloads.

See also

Shared Links


Disable the creation and use of tokens for logon access.

See also

API Tokens

--max-cloud-cache-size arg (=4294967296)

Maximum size, in bytes, of cloud file cache.

See also


--max-cloud-cache-download-size arg (=52428800)

Maximum size, in bytes, of cloud file cache to use per download transfer.

See also


--max-cloud-cache-upload-size arg (=104857600)

Maximum size, in bytes, of cloud file cache to use per upload transfer.

See also


--max-cloud-connections arg (=16)

Maximum number of simultaneous connections to cloud storage.

--cloud-cache-file arg

A file to use for caching cloud requests. Must exist and be at least --max-cloud-cache-size bytes big.

See also


--default-file-driver arg (=mem_map)

Backend file driver. One of mem_map, or raw.

--sandbox-dir arg

Sandbox jetstream into path. %u token can be used for user name.

See also


--trigger-dir arg

Folder containing trigger scripts.

--trigger-on-api arg

Call trigger scripts for all API commands.

--trigger-log arg

Print additional debugging information about triggers and trigger output.

--persistent-state-dir arg

Folder to store persistent server state.


Persistent state directory can’t be shared between servers. Each running server will need its own independent persistent state directory.

--persistent-destinations arg

Load and save destinations (if --persistent-state-dir is present).

--persistent-transfers arg

Load and save transfers (if --persistent-state-dir is present). --persistent-destinations is required.

--send-host arg

UDP sender host address. If specified, bind server to this address for outgoing connections.

--recv-host arg

UDP receiver host address. If specified, bind server to listen on this address.

--recv-port arg (=8886) or (=8886 8887 8888 8889)

UDP receiver port(s).

--max-file-write-threads arg (=4)

Maximum number of simultaneous file write threads.


For the best performance, the number of file write threads should match the number of receiver ports specified.

--recv-auth-required arg (=1)

Auth is required to receive transfers (always true when the server is running as root).

--recv-relay-host arg

TCP relay host address. If specified, route Receiver traffic through this relay address.

--recv-relay-port arg (=8887)

TCP relay host control port.

--recv-nat-traversal arg (=0)

Uses UPnP and NAT-PMP to open UDP receiver port on the Internet Gateway Device.

--recv-allow-discovery arg (=1)

Server will respond to discovery requests on this network.

--name arg

Specify a name for this server.

This can then be retrieved using the getServerInfo() API call.

--external-address arg

Specify FQDN or IP address and port that will be used to create shared links (host:API-port)

See also

Shared Links

--license-location arg

Specify license server address (host:port).

--license-password arg

Specify license password.

--superuser arg

Specify a user name that will be recognized as a superuser (multi-use).

See also


--supergroup arg

Specify a group name whose members will be recognized as superusers (multi-use).

See also


--incoming-rate-limit arg

Cap on the incoming bandwidth in kilobits per second.

--outgoing-rate-limit arg

Cap on the outgoing bandwidth in kilobits per second.


Increase the outgoing rate limit by unused incoming rate.


Increase the incoming rate limit by unused outgoing rate.


Never reuse the same local port for multiple connections.

--transfer-min-cipher arg (=none)

Minimum allowed transfer cipher (none,unencrypted,encrypted128,encrypted256).

--log arg

Output all log data into the given file instead of standard out.

See also



Add a log entry for every received file.

--log-level arg (=3)

Change the verbosity of the log file.

Available log levels are:

  • 0: Fatal errors only

  • 1: Errors

  • 2: Warnings

  • 3: Informational messages

  • 4: Security audit events

  • 5: Debug errors

  • 6: Debug information


Disable collection of telemetry data.

--response-file arg

Response file that contains additional command-line arguments (alternately use @file’).

jetstream relay_server


--control-port arg (=8887)

TCP packet forwarding control port.

--log arg

Output all log data into the given file instead of standard out.

--response-file arg

Response file that contains additional command-line arguments (alternately use @file’).

jetstream api


--host arg (=localhost)

Address of JetStream server to control

--api-control-port arg (=8886)

Default API port

--user arg

User name for API authentication (cannot be used at the same time as token)

--authToken arg

Token for API authentication (cannot be used at the same time as user)

--authTokenSession arg

Token session for sharing transfers between instances of token authentication


Run the API command as a superuser


Skip API authentication. If used, the --user, --authToken, --authTokenSession and --superuser options are ignored