The File sandbox type can be used for sandboxing users to filesystem paths. It has one required parameter, path
, which is the path in the filesystem where the users will be sandboxed to.
For convenience, File sandbox configuration can be simplified into just a path. See Simplified form example.
Configuration Options¶
When specifying path
for system sandbox or global sandbox, placeholders can be used to represent dynamic values. The valid placeholders are:
Placeholder |
Replaced with |
Username |
Domain |
Full username 1 |
- 1
Full username may include
. Platform dependent.
Path placeholders are also supported in the simplified form.
Simplified form¶
To sandbox all users into /data
directory using the command line:
admin@server# jetstream server --sandbox-dir /data
The equivalent of the above example using the API:
> api.server.setSandboxMapping("", {"": "/data"})
The equivalent of the above examples using the full File notation would be:
> api.server.setSandboxMapping("", {"": { "type": "File", "path": "/data"}})
> api.server.setSandboxMapping("", {"": { "type": "File", "path": "/home/%u"}})