
JetStream Server collects anonymized telemetry data that is reported back to Jet Digital Inc., as per the EULA. Sensitive data, such as ip addresses, file names, file size, etc. is anonymized. All data is encrypted during transmission.


To disable collection of telemetry, use the --disable-telemetry command line option.

Telemetry Structures

A telemetry session is started by sending over a Telemetry Information Structure. Telemetry data is then sent approximately every 15 minutes if new data becomes available.

Telemetry Information Structure

The Telemetry Information Structure contains the following fields:

The license key used to the server (See --license-password)
Platform of the server represented by linux, macOS, and windows
Server revision (See revision in Server Information Structure)
Server unique ID (See serverUid in Server Information Structure)
Time when the server was last started

Telemetry Data Structure

Each telemetry data structure contains the following fields:

Hash of a key identifying telemetry data
Timestamp for telemetry data
A list of values associated with the given telemetry key

Telemetry Data Sets

File Sizes Data Values

file sizes telemetry data is identified by key: 1418807137.

Index Description Byte range
1 Total Number of files  
2 Number of 0 byte files 0
3 Number of files 1B or more, less than 1KiB 1 – 1023
4 Number of files 1Kib or more, less than 8Kib 1024 – 8191
5 Number of files 8Kib or more, less than 64Kib 8192 – 65535
6 Number of files 64KiB or more, less than 512KiB 65536 – 524287
7 Number of files 512KiB or more, less than 4MiB 524288 – 4194303
8 Number of files 4MiB or more, less than 32MiB 4194304 – 33554431
9 Number of files 32MiB or more, less than 256MiB 33554432 – 268435455
10 Number of files 256MiB or more, less than 2GiB 268435456 – 2147483647
11 Number of files 2GiB or more, less than 16GiB 2147483648 – 17179869183
12 Number of files 16GiB or more, less than 128GiB 17179869184 – 137438953471
13 Number of files 128GiB or more 137438953472 –

Transfer Sizes Data Values

transfer sizes telemetry data is identified by key: 2208889336.

Index Description Byte range
1 Total bytes  
2 Number of transfers queued in reported period  
3 Number of transfers less than 1MiB 0 – 1048575
4 Number of transfers 1MiB or more, less than 4Mib 1048576 – 4194303
5 Number of transfers 8Kib or more, less than 16Mib 4194304 – 16777215
6 Number of transfers 16MiB or more, less than 64MiB 16777216 – 67108863
7 Number of transfers 64MiB or more, less than 256MiB 67108864 – 268435455
8 Number of transfers 256MiB or more, less than 1GiB 268435456 – 1073741823
9 Number of transfers 1GiB or more, less than 4GiB 1073741824 – 4294967295
10 Number of transfers 4GiB or more, less than 16GiB 4294967296 – 17179869183
11 Number of transfers 16GiB or more, less than 64GiB 17179869184 – 68719476735
12 Number of transfers 64GiB or more, less than 256GiB 68719476736 – 274877906943
13 Number of transfers 256GiB or more, less than 1TiB 274877906944 – 1099511627775
14 Number of transfers 1TiB or more 1099511627776 –

Transfer Status Data Values

transfer status telemetry data is identified by key: 4185460380.

Index Description
1 Number of queued transfers in reported period
2 Number of started transfers in reported period
3 Number of completed transfers in reported period
4 Number of failed transfers in reported period

Round Trip Times Data Values

round trip times telemetry data is identified by key: 4229049640.

Index Description
1 Time offset representing start of sampling period (relative to timestamp in Telemetry Data Structure)
2 Time offset representing end of sampling period (relative to timestamp in Telemetry Data Structure)
3 Number of entries in reported period
4 Minimum Round Trip Time in reported period
5 Maximum Round Trip Time in reported period
6 Mean Round Trip Time in reported period
7 Round Trip Time variance in reported period

Transfer Rates Data Values

Transfer rates are a short term averge of how fast data is being transferred.

transfer rates telemetry data is identified by key: 4160655433.

Index Description
1 Time offset representing start of sampling period (relative to timestamp in Telemetry Data Structure)
2 Time offset representing end of sampling period (relative to timestamp in Telemetry Data Structure)
3 Number of entries in reported period
4 Minimum Transfer Rate (bytes/sec) in reported period
5 Maximum Transfer Rate (bytes/sec) in reported period
6 Mean Transfer Rate (bytes/sec) in reported period
7 Transfer Rate variance in reported period

Transmission Rates Data Values

Transmission rates are a short term averge of how much network bandwidth is being used by transfers.

transmission rates telemetry data is identified by key: 3920873570.

Index Description
1 Time offset representing start of sampling period (relative to timestamp in Telemetry Data Structure)
2 Time offset representing end of sampling period (relative to timestamp in Telemetry Data Structure)
3 Number of files in reported period
4 Minimum Transmission Rate (bytes/sec) in reported period
5 Maximum Transmission Rate (bytes/sec) in reported period
6 Mean Transmission Rate (bytes/sec) in reported period
7 Transmission Rate variance in reported period