Ubuntu 18.04


To install JetStream, you will need to either be logged in as root or be an administrative user using sudo. The examples below use sudo.

New Installation

To install JetStream on Ubuntu, run the following:

# sudo dpkg -i go-jetstream_<version>.deb

Your server should now be running.

Update Existing Installation

To update JetStream on Linux, run:

# sudo dpkg -i go-jetstream_<version>.deb

If you have made modifications to system configuration files, such /etc/jetstream-server.rsp, you may be prompted to overwrite the file with a new version. Say can say “N” to keep your current configuration, and then refer to /etc/jetstream-server.rsp.dist to see which changes were made to the default configuration.

Check Service

You can check if the JetStream service is running by running the systemctl status command. Under normal circumstances, the command should report that the process is active(running) under the Active heading. For example:

# systemctl status jetstream-server
● jetstream-server.service - Go:JetStream server service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/jetstream-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-10-03 15:23:37 PDT; 1min 41s ago
 Main PID: 681 (jetstream)
    Tasks: 26 (limit: 2314)
   CGroup: /system.slice/jetstream-server.service
           ├─ 681 /usr/local/bin/jetstream server @/etc/jetstream-server.rsp
           └─1172 /usr/local/bin/jetstream server @/etc/jetstream-server.rsp

Check Server

You can check that the server is active by making a simple API call on the command-line.

# /usr/local/bin/jetstream api --no-auth getServerInfo
 "allowRemoteControl": true,
 "apiControlPort": 8886,
 "license": {
   "expiry": "2020-10-01 (365 days from now including today)",
   "valid": true
 "version": "2.0.0"


Transfers are disabled unless the server is licensed. The easiest way to configure a license is to connect to the server using the Client Application.

Licenses can also be configured using the command-line or editing a configuration file, as detailed in License Configuration.


Servers can only be configured by superusers, which includes all users in the sudo group by default.

Next Steps

Try connecting to the JetStream server and doing some transfers. See Connecting To JetStream for tips on setting up a connection. If you want to further customize your JetStream installation, see Setup.