

JetStream Server comes with two launchd agents:

  • io.gojetstream.jetstream-server: The JetStream server service, which will send and receive files.
  • io.gojetstream.jetstream-relay: The JetStream service that can reroute transfers. This is helpful for firewall/network traversal.

You will need to use an account with administrative rights in order to install JetStream. Execute all the Terminal commands as root or using sudo.

New Installation

To install JetStream on macOS, double click on the go-jetstream-<version>.pkg file.

Update Existing Installation

To update JetStream on macOS, double click on the go-jetstream-<version>.pkg file.

System Configuration

JetStream services use the following ports:

  • jetstream-server: TCP 8886, UDP 8886

License Configuration

For a demo license, you need to specify the license password by appending --license-password, followed by the password given to you, to the /usr/local/jetstream/etc/jetstream-server.rsp file.

System services

On macOS, JetStream server service is enabled by default. If you edited the response file to add licensing information, restart the service using: launchctl kickstart -k system/io.gojetstream.jetstream-server.

Next Steps

If you want to further customize your JetStream installation, see Configuration. Otherwise, you can try doing a test transfer using one of the available tools as outlined in Interacting with JetStream.