
For the complete list of JetStream configuration options, please see jetstream server and jetstream relay_server command reference.

Editing Configuration

JetStream services use response files for configuration, which contain all arguments that would normally be given on the command line. The arguments can be specified on a single line or argument per line for better readability. For example /etc/jetstream-server.rsp:


After editing configuration response files for one of the services, you will need to restart the service in order for the changes to take effect.

See also

Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu)

The jetstream-server startup arguments can be specified in the /etc/jetstream-server.rsp file, and jetstream-relay startup arguments in the /etc/jetstream-relay.rsp file.


The jetstream-server startup arguments can be specified in the /usr/local/jetstream/etc/jetstream-server.rsp file, and jetstream-relay startup arguments in the /usr/local/jetstream/etc/jetstream-relay.rsp file.


On Windows, all JetStream Server service startup arguments can be specified in the C:\Program Files\Jet Digital\JetStream Server\etc\jetstream-server.rsp file, and JetStream Relay service startup arguments in the C:\Program Files\Jet Digital\JetStream Server\etc\jetstream-relay.rsp file.

License Configuration

JetStream server requires a license to send or receive transfers.

To specify your license key, you need to add a --license-password argument with the key that was provided to you as its contents.

Please contact to obtain your license key.

See also