Release Notes


  • Fixes for regression issues introduced in 1.8.0



  • Ability to specify credentials when setting up Windows network share sandbox. This will force Jetstream to always use the specified credentials, instead of using credentials of the logged in user.


  • Removed --recv-encrypted option. Encryption is always on.
  • Added --log-level option to control verbosity of logging.
  • Changed recv.transferComplete trigger. The tigger parameters changed, and it now executes only once per transfer, when the transfer is complete and all files written to the disk.
  • All transfers now preserve the executable bits on filesystems that support it.
  • The API command line utility now outputs JSON, instead of custom formatted output.
  • Jetstream self-generated certificates are set to never expire.
  • The server log generates warnings when SSL certificates are about to expire, or expired already.
  • Audit logging. Use --log-level set to at least 4 to enable the audit log.


Interface change: the recv.transferComplete trigger now supplies only two parameters, transfer_id, and username.



  • Improved sandbox related error reporting.
  • Improved internal Unicode handling.
  • Improved signal handling.
  • Internal event log is no longer persisted to disk. --event-log-dir has been removed from server command line options.


  • Added priority lanes to allow multiple transfers to be sent simultaneously using pre-specified bandwidth allocation.
  • Transfer now have an optional maximum send rate. Capping a transfer’s rate allows the next transfer in the queue to send.
  • Destinations with the same target can no longer use the same sender port, even if using tags.



Compatibility note: When bandwidth control settings are enabled via the API or command line parameters on a Jetstream server, clients prior to version 1.6.0 will not be able to communicate with this server.

If the bandwidth controls are unused, clients prior to 1.6.0 can communicate with Jetstream server 1.6.0.


  • At startup, the Jetstream server now logs system information, and the command line parameters it was started with.
  • Fixed issue with command line API where strings in the output were not quoted



Interface change: the recv.transferComplete trigger no longer includes the sandbox-path parameter.

  • Users can now be sandboxed into directories independently, or have multiple sandboxes. See Advanced Sandboxing.


The API documentation has been moved to Cumul8:Jetstream API Documentation.


  • Sandboxing on Windows now supports UNC paths
  • Improved Windows crash reporting
  • Improved allocation of socket buffers
  • Improved sandboxing error reorting
  • Minor adjustments to rate controller


  • Server API socket can now be bound to a specific IP.
  • Server multiplexing is disabled by default, preventing errors when both sending and receiving servers were set to multiplex at the same time. Multiplexing allows the server to send and receive on the same port, aiding with NAT traversal.
  • Introduced a new rate controller algorithm providing slight performance increase on high latency, high packet loss networks.



Jetstream Server now requires TLS 1.2 by default (requirement can be relaxed). Clients that don’t support TLS 1.2 will not be able to connect. All Jetstream Clients support TLS 1.2, but users of the Python Jetstream API need to check their Python installation.

  • New command line option --api-min-ssl-version to downgrade Jetstream server TLS requirements.
  • Running Jetstream server as non-administrative user now requires API authentication for localhost connections.
  • Shared links now persist server restart.
  • Shared links are now garbage collected within two hours of their expiry.
  • Clean up file handles when using PAM. This could potentially cause PAM to run out of file handles on servers with large amount of transfers that never get garbage collected.
  • Resolved issue where the Jetstream Server would not always reconnect to specified relay.


  • Added links sharing feature.
  • Server telemetry will be reported back to Cumul8/Eight Solutions as per the EULA. This can be disabled with --disable-telemetry option.



Jetstream 1.2 clients and servers are not compatible with 1.3 clients and servers.

  • Removed Jetstream server --recv-prefix flag. The --sandbox-dir flag replaces this and offers similar, and extended, functionality. Please refer to Sandboxing for details.
  • Added Jetstream server --superuser flag. Specifies a user name that will be recognized as a superuser (multi-use).
  • Added Jetstream server --supergroup flag. Specifies a group name whose members will be recognized as superusers (multi-use).
  • Jetstream server startup configuration now uses response files. If you modified the startup configuration, your changes will need to be ported to the new format. See below.

Configuration Changes

The Jetstream response files can only contain valid command line parameters and are not scriptable. You can keep all parameters on single line, or split them over multiple lines for better readability.

Please refer to Configuration for more details about the new configuration method.


If you’ve customized /etc/jetstream-server.conf (Ubuntu) or /etc/sysconfig/jetstream-server (CentOS) files, you will need to port the changes to the new format in /etc/jetstream-server.rsp file.

You can keep the old configuration file around, as it will be used to provide environment variables (such as RLM_LICENSE_PASSWORD). If you wish to completely remove the file, you can append --license-password option followed by the license password in RLM_LICENSE_PASSWORD into the new jetstream-server.rsp file.


If you’ve customized /usr/local/jetstream/etc/jetstream-server.conf, you will need to port those changes into /usr/local/jetstream/etc/jetstream-server.rsp.

You can keep the old configuration file around, as it will be used to provide environment variables (such as RLM_LICENSE_PASSWORD). If you wish to completely remove the file, you can append --license-password option followed by the license password in RLM_LICENSE_PASSWORD into the new jetstream-server.rsp file.


If you’ve customized the Jetstream Server service registry keys, you will need to take note of those changes prior to upgrade and update the configuration after the upgrade in C:\Program Files\Cumul8\Jetstream Server\etc\jetstream-server.rsp file.


  • Fix an issue on Windows where incorrect file sizes would be reported
  • Improve NAT traversal
  • macOS support



  • First Release