Python API Examples

Connecting To A Server

from jetstream import JetStream

serverAddress = 'localhost'
serverPort = 8886   # default TCP client API control port.

api = JetStream().api(serverAddress, serverPort)

You can also use the api interface as a context manager:

with api:
    # Interface is connected...

# Interface automatically disconnects.

Authenticating With a Server

This assumes you have an API interface connected to a server. See Connecting To A Server.

The following command will authenticate with the server as user ‘jsmith’ and password ‘secret’. The auth() method returns None on succes and throws an exception if there was an error.

>>> api.server.auth('jsmith', 'secret')

Alternatively, you can use authAsync() method to authenticate asynchronously. For more information about the asynchronous API interface, see Asynchronous Requests vs Ongoing Tasks.

>>> auth_request = api.server.authAsync('jsmith', 'secret')
{'requestId': 1}

>>> api.server.getRequestStatus(auth_request)
{'errorMessage': '', 'processing': False, 'status': 'complete'}

>>> api.server.getRequestResult(auth_request)

Creating a Manifest

This assumes you have an API interface connected to a server. See Connecting To A Server.

The following command will initialize a manifest that, when attached to a transfer, will send the local file /local/home/readme.txt to a destination, saving it at the path /data/docs/readme.txt.

Use createManifest() to initiate manifest creation:

>>> mappings = {'/data/docs/readme.txt': '/local/home/readme.txt'}
>>> manifest = api.send.createManifest(mappings=mappings)
>>> manifest
{'status': 'pending', 'processing': True, 'totalFiles': None, 'totalSize': None, 'errorMessage': None, 'manifestId': '2'}

Monitoring a Manifest

A manifest is created immediately. However, before you can attach the manifest to a transfer, it must finish its initialization. There are two ways to wait for completion:

  1. Use getManifest() and inspect the processing field.

    >>> manifest = api.send.getManifest(manifest)
    >>> manifest
    {'processing': True, 'status': 'pending', ' manifestId': '2'}
    >>> manifest = api.send.getManifest(manifest)
    >>> manifest
    {'processing': False, 'status': 'complete', 'manifestId': '2'}

    While waiting for a manifest, use the processing field to determine whether the manifest is still being processed by the server. The status field should only be used for informational purposes until the manifest has been completed.

    manifest = api.send.getManifest(manifest)
    while manifest['processing']:
        status = manifest['status']
        manifest = api.send.getManifest(manifest)
  2. Use waitForManifest() to block until the manifest is completed.

    >>> manifest = api.send.waitForManifest(manifest)
    >>> manifest
    {'processing': False, 'status': 'complete', 'manifestId': '2'}
Note that waitForManifest() will block. If a manifest is large, your script may become unresponsive for a long time.

There are two conditions in which a manifest stops being processed by the server. When a manifest stops, the processing field will switch to False, and the status field will indicate the condition of the manifest.

  • complete: The manifest has been completed successfully.
  • error: The manifest failed. The errorMessage field will contain a description of the error.
manifest = api.send.waitForManifest(manifest)

if manifest['status'] == 'error':
    raise MyError('The manifest failed, because {reason}'.format(reason=manifest['errorMessage']))

When a manifest has initialized successfully, its totalFiles and totalSize fields will reflect the size of the manifest.

>>> manifest = api.send.waitForManifest(manifest)
>>> manifest
{'status': 'complete', 'totalFiles': 1, 'totalSize': 1091, 'manifestId': '2'}

Note that creating a manifest does not begin sending its files. For this, you need to attach the manifest to a transfer, which is sent to a destination.

Deleting a Manifest

The following command will delete a specified manifest.

Use deleteManifest() to initiate manifest deletion:

>>> manifest = api.send.deleteManifest(manifest)
>>> manifest

Note that a manifest may be deleted at any time, even if it has been used to initiate a transfer which is currently active.

Creating a Destination

This assumes you have an API interface connected to a server. See Connecting To A Server.

Before you can start a file transfer, you must create a destination.

>>> destinationAddress = 'localhost'
>>> destinationPort = 8886  # default destination port

>>> destination = api.send.createDestination(destinationAddress, destinationPort=destinationPort)
{'destinationId': '42', 'destinationAddress': 'localhost', 'destinationPort': 8886, 'destinationIP': ''}

There are many more fields returned than what is shown here. The important one is destinationId. The destination ID is required to initiate a file transfer.

Creating a Transfer

This assumes you have an API interface connected to a server. See Connecting To A Server.

We’ll use the destination and manifest prepared above.

>>> transfer = api.send.createTransfer(destination, manifest)
>>> transfer
{'transferId': '17', 'processing': True, 'status': 'pending', 'destinationId': '42'}

There are many more fields returned than what is shown here. The important one is transferId. The transfer ID is required to monitor the status of the transfer.

Monitoring A Transfer

There are two ways to monitor a transfer:

  1. Use getTransfer() and inspect the processing field.

    >>> transfer = api.send.getTransfer(transfer)
    >>> transfer
    {'processing': True, 'status': 'sending', 'transferId': '17'}
    >>> transfer = api.send.getTransfer(transfer)
    >>> transfer
    {'processing': False, 'status': 'complete', 'transferId': '17'}

    While waiting for a transfer, use the processing field to determine whether the transfer is still being processed by the server. The status field should only be used for informational purposes until the transfer has stopped.

    transfer = api.send.getTransfer(transfer)
    while transfer['processing']:
        status = transfer['status']
        transfer = api.send.getTransfer(transfer)
  2. Use waitForTransfer() to block until the file send is completed.

    >>> transfer = api.send.waitForTransfer(transfer)
    >>> transfer
    {'processing': False, 'status': 'complete', 'transferId': '17'}

    Note that waitForTransfer() will block. If a transfer is large, your script may become unresponsive for a long time.

There are three conditions in which a transfer stops being processed by the server. When a transfer stops, the processing field will switch to False, and the status field will indicate the condition of the transfer.

  • complete: The transfer has been completed successfully.
  • suspended: The transfer was suspended. Use resumeTransfer() to resume transmitting.
  • error: The transfer failed. The errorMessage field will contain a description of the error.
transfer = api.send.waitForTransfer(transfer)

if transfer['status'] == 'error':
    raise MyError('The transfer failed, because {reason}'.format(reason=transfer['errorMessage']))

if transfer['status'] == 'suspended':
    print('The transfer has been paused.')

Creating a Shared Token

This assumes you have an API interface connected to a server. See Connecting To A Server.

The following command will create a token that can be used to share files with third-parties who don’t have an account on the server: We’ll use the manifest prepared above.

>>> token = api.send.createSharedToken(manifest)
>>> token
{'creationTime': 1513291572659128, 'description': '', 'downloadCount': 0, 'downloadLimit': None, 'expiryTime': None, 'manifestId': '2', 'owner': 'user', 'passwordRequired': False, 'token': 'MAYWEBRO.TRUPO.VEVEEBLU'}

Using a Shared Token

This assumes you have an API interface connected to a server. See Connecting To A Server.

The following command will initialize a download using a given token. We’ll use the token and destination prepared above.

>>> api.server.authToken('MAYWEBRO.TRUPO.VEVEEBLU')

>>> manifests = api.send.getManifests()
>>> manifests
[{'errorMessage': None, 'manifestId': u'2', 'owner': u'', 'processing': False, 'status': u'complete', 'totalFiles': 1, 'totalSize': 1152}]

>>> transfer = api.send.createTransfer(destination, manifests[0])
>>> transfer
{'transferId': '17', 'processing': True, 'status': 'pending', 'destinationId': '42'}