Release Notes


  • There are no API changes in this release

1.8.0 (API 26)

  • Added support for Aamazon Web Services (AWS) S3.
  • Added support Windows network authentication with specific credentials.
  • Added functions to manage garbage collection: updateGarbageCollectSettings(), garbageCollect().
  • mkdirAsync() no longer accepts parents parameter. Parent directories are now always created.
  • Added --superuser parameter. Specifying this option is now reuired when executing commands that require superuser privileges.
  • Added --no-auth parameter. You can specify this to skip authentication when executing commands.
  • When --user is omitted, the current system user is assumed.


Compatibility note: The mkdirAsync() interface has changed.

1.7.0 (API 25)

  • Removed getDestinationId, enableRateControlAsync, setRateControlMethodAsync, setSendRateMinAsync, and setSendRateAsync functions.
  • Removed sendRateMin, sendRate, encryptionEnabled, and tag parameters from createDestination().
  • Moved sandboxed key in Server Information Structure. It is now a sub-key of the user key.
  • Added overwriteMode parameter to createTransfer(), which controls per-transfer file overwriting policies.
  • Added getConnection(), getConnections(), and updateConnectionParamsAsync() superuser functions.
  • Added certificateValidation key to Server Information Structure.
  • Added sslCertificateRequirements parameter to connect() and associated functions.
  • Changed Destination Structure destinationId to be a generic ID, similar to transfers and manifests. The ID no longer contains destination specific information.
  • Destinations are now user-specific, and a new system-level Connection object is created for each unique server. Connection objects are only visible to superusers. When a user calls createDestination() to a server, the resulting destination will be visible only to the user who created it. If a second user creates a destination to the same server, a separate destination will be created for the second user, however, the two destination objects will share the same system-level Connection.
  • The API command line utility now outputs JSON, instead of custom formatted output.

1.6.3 (API 24)

  • JSON API responses now include errorType key, allowing for more reliable way of detecting and handling errors.
  • Python API returns more detailed exceptions. All new exceptions are derived from CommandError, retaining backward compatiblity. See Errors.

1.6.2 (API 23)

  • There are no functional API changes in this release
  • Improved input validation.
  • getServerInfo() no longer returns eventLogDir key for superusers.

1.6.1 (API 23)

1.6.0 (API 22)


Compatibility note: When bandwidth control settings are enabled via the API or command line parameters on a Jetstream server, clients prior to version 1.6.0 will not be able to communicate with this server.

If the bandwidth controls are unused, clients prior to 1.6.0 can communicate with Jetstream server 1.6.0.

1.5.1 (API 21)

  • Added a new argument mappings to createManifest(), to allow for more flexible manifest creation. The previous fileMappings argument still works as before, but is now deprecated.
  • Added transfer statistics: transferFileReadRate and transferNetSendRate. See Transfer Structure.

1.5.0 (API 20)

1.4.3 (API 18)

  • Added more detailed transfer statistics: transferSendRate, transferDataSendRate, and transferThroughputRate. See Transfer Structure.
  • It is now possible to register a destination multiple times by using a tag as a differentiator, see createDestination(). Registering a single destination multiple times will allow starting multiple simultaneous transfers to that destination. Take care not to make the two destinations compete for bandwidth, by restricting the throughput by using setSendRateMaxAsync().
  • Data returned from getEventLog() now only contains data relevant to the user issuing the request.
  • Allow setting some transfer setting default at destination level. See updateTransferDefaults().

1.4.2 (API 17)

  • New API method to set rate control algorithms: (setRateControlMethodAsync()). Destination structure now lists corresponding rateControlMethod.
  • The default value for senderPort in createDestination() has changed.

1.4.1 (API 15)

  • The Manifest API result now returns errorMessage with empty string instead of None, if there were no errors.
  • Multiple authentication calls (authAsync()) are now supported on single API connection.
  • Request IDs are now scoped per API connection. Previously Request IDs were scoped per server and users could access other’s Request IDs.
  • Running duAsync() or lsAsync() on large directories no longer prevents Jetstream server from processing other commands.
  • New failTransfer() function, which puts an active transfer to failed state with a given error message.
  • New updateObjectUserData() and deleteObjectUserData() functions to manage custom metadata for transfers, manifests, or shared tokens.

1.4.0 (API 14)

1.3.0 (API 13)

  • Fixed an issue where the ls() and du() commands could be utilized without specifying a path.
  • Added limit option to getEventLog(), getTransfers(), getManifests(), getManifestFiles() and getDestinations(). This specifies the maximum number of results to return. If None or 0 (zero), retrieve all available results.
  • Added before and after options to getManifests() and getTransfers(). These may be used to retrieve the full list of manifests or transfers in manageable blocks.
  • Added mkdir() to ServerInterface API.
  • getManifest(), getManifestFiles(), getManifests(), waitForManifest() and deleteManifest() are now restricted to the user that owns the requested manifest(s) (or a superuser, if privileged). Attempts from other users to request or modify a manifest will fail.
  • getEventLog() now returns only events owned by the authenticated user. This capability requires that the queried server was built with this change, as it relies on additional information in the log entries.
  • allowOnlyAuthorizedClientsAsync(), addAuthorizedClientAsync(), removeAuthorizedClientAsync(), sleep() and terminate() are now restricted to users with superuser privileges.